Our church is a large and lively group of people who find that God leads them into many different activities and areas. Any group who wants to grow and develop and get things done has a structure and a way of organising themselves. Recently we’ve done a lot of work on this!
At the core of our organisational structure is our minister – someone who has received a call from God to use their gifts and abilities to serve full-time in the primary leadership role in the congregation. Our minister spent many years in training for this role, and has been appointed by the Church of Scotland and called by our congregation.
The minister is the Moderator of the Kirk Session – a group of people drawn from the membership of the congregation, who assist the minister with pastoral care and the leadership of the church.
The Kirk Session gives responsibility to the Leadership Group for strategic decision-making.
The minister also heads up our Ministry Team, each of whom has a particular role in serving and enabling members of the congregation.
The strategies decided by the Leadership Group and Kirk Session are turned into action through our seven Core Groups. Each of these groups is linked to a member of the Leadership Group and works with members of the Ministry Team.
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