Popcorn and Cake

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Popcorn and Cake

A Primary 5 Resource for the Festival of Pentecost

Back in 2014 Stuart Irvin, our Associate Minister, and Jennie Marr, a church member and student teacher, set about creating from scratch a quality two hour program for primary 5 pupils from our local Primary Schools.

They set out to explore the often under looked festival of Pentecost. The program ran along similar lines to the Easter Code and Bubblegum ‘n’ Fluff resources that were put together by Calderside Learning Community Chaplaincy Team.

We had been using both these resources with great success which was the impetus for creating a brand new program. Having ran Popcorn and Cake at St Andrew’s Church for two consecutive years with great feedback from pupils and staff alike it was decided to make the resource available for other Churches and Organisations to use.

We would love to make this resource freely available with the following downloads:

  1. Popcorn and Cake Resource Booklet
  2. Puppet MP3
  3. Popcorn and Cake worksheet

If you intend to use this material we would love to hear from you.