From Tots To Teens

When it comes to wanting the best for your children, look no further than St. Andrew’s! In a loving and caring, fun-filled environment, St. Andrew’s offers an introduction to the Christian faith that is second to none. Using only highly-committed and able staff, the wide-ranging programme caters for all ages and all tastes. From Sunday Club to after-school club, from crèche to youth group, from toddlers to pre-teens, there’s something for everyone at St. Andrew’s!
Our philosophy at St. Andrew’s is simple: we are entirely opposed to indoctrinating or manipulating children emotionally but we are entirely committed to offering every child the opportunity to hear for themselves the truths and claims that the Christian faith makes about the God made known by Jesus of Nazareth – the God who is, we believe, alive and well in our world today.
With spiritual well-being so important to growth and development, doesn’t your child deserve the very best opportunities to explore and discover, to ask and imagine?

Our ministry team includes a Youth Work Co-ordinator  – one more indication of how much we value and nurture the young people in our church family.

We have adopted the Church of Scotland’s policy to safeguard the wellbeing of young people, and our youth work team adheres to a code of good practice in all their dealings with young people.

Take a look at the multitude of opportunities we offer to young people of all ages to experience life at St Andrew’s:

Sunday Club and Creche

Youth Groups

Messy Church

Boys’ Brigade

Parents and Toddlers Group

Holiday Club

Though independent of the Church, Rainbows and Brownies groups meet at St. Andrew’s.  Find out more about these groups via the church office.