Contact Us

General Enquiries and Administration

Our address, phone number and email are at the bottom of every page of this website.

Our church office is staffed by our Administrator and is located in the foyer of our main church building. Please use the doorbell by the glass door if you are visiting the church when the main doors are closed.

The church office is open, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am-12 noon and for 15 minutes after the service on a Sunday morning.

Any general enquiries or administration matters from both church members and the wider community should be given or sent to the office.

Items for the weekly church bulletin should be given or sent to the office by 12 noon on Tuesday.

Pastoral Needs

Please let us know if you or someone you know is in need of pastoral care by contacting the church office.

Martin, our minister, and the pastoral care team visit regularly in homes and hospitals and will respond to situations that are brought to their attention.

Martin aims to have Monday as his well-deserved day off each week, so if you can avoid contacting him on Mondays it would be very much appreciated! You can always leave a message with the church office instead.