Big Thinking

Thursday, October 15th, 2009 | Tags: Minister's Blog

A couple of years back, on a trip to the Carolinas of the United States, I was given a tour of a beautiful old church building. Beautiful as the building undoubtedly was, it was the story that lay behind the building of it that impressed me more. The church had been built – over a century ago – by a mere ten families who had determined to have a centre of Christisn worship in their neighbourhood. But here’s what got me: they built their new church with a capacity of over a thousand people! Now that’s big thinking.

The re-modelling of St. Andrew’s Church – which the congregation has just completed – represents the same kind of faith. In an age of church closures and increasing secularisation, it takes a certin faith to invest hundreds of thousands of pounds in a building project. Even so, the people of St. Andrew’s went ahead believing that their project will serve as a statement of intent – of faith in the future – and of their conviction that the church, with God’s blessing, is more about exciting tomorrows than nostalgic yesterdays.

I wonder if you fancy being part of that?